
March 2025
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The fun has started

The fun started at about 4:30pm today. Before that, not so fun. Let me explain.

We woke up really early this morning, 8am, to get our shit together for checking out, and preparing for the airport to let us know if the bag was getting dropped off or not. We had a plan

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Are we having fun yet?

So… here we are in our hostel using the last dying minutes of my laptop battery. Today was the first day in our new home abroad, and honestly, it hasn’t been a great day. But really, when the god damn airlines lose your bag, you’re dead tired from flying for 20 hours and just want

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Planes....Trains....and Hospitals?

First blog post from outside Canada! Woot!

Tonight’s entry comes to you via a 48-hour famished, sleep deprived gal. Why, may you ask? Well, I (Kenna) had quite the ordeal yesterday.

I woke up Monday morning at about 7:30 to the most painful gut problems I had ever experienced. Now, I’ve

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Tales from a Lady of Leisure….

Are we there yet?

Ok, you’re probably wondering why I’m blogging when I’m still in Canada and I have nothing exciting to report. Well, that’s pretty much why: I’m kind of underwhelmed…and am finding the mundane details in life somewhat hilarious. I am currently feeling the need to diarize these so that when I am having

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We are officially homeless!

Wow, what a weekend.

And in three weeks, Scott and I will be living out of a VAN in New Zealand. Until then, we are shacked up at my lovely Momma’s house.

Friday night was spent packing….and screaming at each other about various organizational disagreements. By midnight I was wondering if our relationship would survive the move,

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Now the adventure has really begun...and we haven't even left our jobs.

Tonight, we are living in tenant hell.

Upon arriving home this evening, I discovered a message from Bob, our snakeskin-boot-wearing, barbel-mustached, fun-lovin’ cowboy from Minnesota, which was something to the effect of “…work let go…hopefully you can find someone else…please call soon.”

WTF? Most of our shit is packed up and we’re ready to rock!! He can’t

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And the adventure begins...

Well, we’re a month out from our trip now, and I feel like the journey has already begun! The toughest part of our Edmonton “leg” is complete – we’ve rented our condo. Which proved to be a VERY interesting experience.

We had listed the condo in a few places starting at the beginning of September and

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