Mmmm... Malaysia

Our short time so far in Malaysia has been filled with two of our favourite things: hiking and eating. OK, hiking isn’t really one of our favourite things, we just seem to do it a lot and enjoy the payoff. Alas, I will begin.

The Cameron Highlands

After arriving in the

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The Roaring Meg and Mighty Roy

The Roaring Meg

Scott and I have had the pleasure of meeting two of Lake Wanaka’s great natural forces: Meg and Roy.

We arrived into Wanaka two days ago after the drive through the Haast Pass (which actually wasn’t so bad). We immediately went straight to the informaiton centre in town to see if we could

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Crossing the Mountain called Tongariro

This post is about my journey across the Tongariro Crossing, with an intro from Kenna.

The start of today came VERY early, as Scott and I wanted to leave Waitomo at a decent hour to be able to complete the Tongariro Crossing hike. We arrived around 11 a.m in National Park Village (the essential base

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