We made it all the way to Dunedin yesterday, with plenty of time to explore the town. Dunedin is the most “European” town in NZ, due to its architecture. Victorian churches, red telephone booths and numerous pubs make it seem just like Scotland. We spent most of the time around the “Octagon” – the most happening center of town. We were there right at 5 p.m on Friday – the perfect time to watch locals all flocking together for end-of-the-week beers.

Scott giving Robbie Burns a warm thank you.
After that, we were going to take some wine down to the beach and enjoy it with some chocolate, but the rain started pouring really hard, so we spent another evening in the campground common room watching TV and reading.
Today, we wanted to tour the Otago Peninsula, right outside of Dunedin, which is renound for wildlife including the only Royal Albatross colony in the southern hemisphere, sea lions, seals and penguins (including blue penguins, aka fairy penguins in Australia, and yellow-eyed penguins). We tried to get a glimpse of the albatross colony, but you had to pay a decent fare, so we decided against it.

Yellow-eyed penguins in their natural nest
We spent 1.5 hours walking around the penguin habitat. The conservation people have very cleverly dug walkways and hideaways for humans to go so as not to disturb the penguins. We didn’t see very many, though – most were out fishing for the day. We saw a few adults and a few really cute chicks (who are completely brown and really dopey looking), so that was fun. The yellow-eyed penguin is an endagered species due to predation brought by humans, including cats, ferrets and possums. They are a very solitary species, and unlike most other types of penguins who flock together and spend most of their times in large groups, the yellow-eyes choose a partner and mate and live with them in their own private nest. I discovered from looking at a few of the histories that their fidelity can be somewhat flux – one female had “divorced” two of her partners, one had gone missing, and she had gone back to the first partner several years later!

A little yellow-eyed penguin crossing the beach in front of us
On our way back down the beach, I spotted another penguin in the water trying to beach itself, but it was too scared of us…so we kept walking further away a bit and it swam further down the beach in the opposite direction, and then popped out and walked up the dunes! Another amazing experience for us. We think we hit the beach right at the time when the penguins come back from feeding, so we got a good view of two of them. It was actually better to see them in a natural manner, even though we were further away, than in the conservation.

Us on top of the Moreaki boulders
Tomorrow is another long driving day to make it to the Akaroa Peninsula near Christchurch. Our time in New Zealand is rapidly coming to a close…only 5 more nights in Happy Diwali. 🙁
Not sure when you wanted it but the first part of your Birthday/Christmas present should be accessible today
Love Dad
Look really cool over the past few days. I am sure you are not that disappointed to be leaving ms. The weather in oz is over 25 all the time. Everyone loved to see you guys last night for dinner. Merry Christmas and have a safe flight to oz on Saturday