Today we’re in Christchurch, where our journey in New Zealand will end. We’re looking forward to the ridiculous heat of Sydney, but we’re also a little sad to leave NZ. It’s been a great time – look forward to a wrapup post in the next few days.

The sunset in Akaroa
After our arrival, we heard a live band playing in town, and decided to go check it out and try to book a dolphin swimming tour, since Kenna didn’t get a chance to swim with them in Paihia, or a kayak tour, since we missed that in Milford Sound. The holiday park was up a mountain, and the hike down to the town was very scenic, overlooking a beautiful view of the Akaroa bay. After walking for a few minutes, the live band turned out to be a few 16-yr olds playing in a tent at what looked like a birthday party, but they were really good. After a few tunes, we decided we should head off to the information booth, which turned out to be closed. And by this time it was raining, again.
So, our mood turning grey with the skies, we tried to figure out what to do. This was a really small town, with nothing but a bay, which was now obscured by rain, to entertain us. Our holiday park was overcrowded and we really didn’t want to go back there, so we headed to a local bar for a quick drink. Which turned into many drinks, and tasty nachos (yes Sean, we got a picture for you). There was a movie playing, so we ended up watching it and ended up hogging the TV all night until we were the only people in the bar, and I’m pretty sure we turned away a lot of other patrons. If I went into a bar and there was a crappy movie playing (aside: Kenna and I disagree on the crappiness of the movie, but it had witches and pixie-dust and no car chases or swordfights, so it’s crappy), I’d walk out too.

For Sean : Our nachos

Kayaking in Kaikoura

We took a picture of the moon through the telescope
The next day, we did a 12km walk around the perimeter of the peninsula, taking in some stunning views of the ocean in front of the mountains, and some amazing beaches. We passed the same seal colony that we had kayed into the day before, but this time the highlight was watching some crayfish divers picking the crayfish out of their nets. Crayfish are like lobsters, but they’re naturally red (lobsters are brown until you cook em, right?), and without the pincers. But even though they were caught right there, they were sold a few blocks away for $50 each! My guess is that because they have to be retrieved by a diver, they’re expensive. But couldn’t they lay traps like lobster fishermen do? We were fairly stunned that this entire peninsula offered some amazing scenery, but was completely devoid of development. And it’s not that it’s government-protected – it’s private land – but all the land is devoted to farmers and their cows. In fact, at one point in the hike, a couple cows completely blocked our path, and only after they sniffed and licked Kenna would they let us pass. Stupid cows.

Kaikoura Peninsula Walkway
Today, sadly, we left behind Happy Diwali, leaving us only with her wonderful memories. We’re in a really nice hostel in Christchurch, ready to celebrate Christmas tomorrow! Maybe some of the other people here will be in the mood to celebrate, or maybe we’ll head to the bar. Tomorrow (Christmas day), we’re in a hotel by the airport, in preparation for our ridiculously early flight to Sydney on Boxing Day. We have to be at the airport at 3am on Boxing day – that will hurt.

Us praying in front of Happy Diwali - bye HD!
Have a great Christmas you two… you’ll see santa WAY before we will.
Love reading your blog and hearing about all your adventures.
Obviously the cows are a great judge of character.
Non-Denominational Holiday Time Yes. Snowy and cold afraid not. 78 F today and 80 F Christmas Day.
Hey Guys,
Well OK I finnaly felt guilty enough and checked the blog. This is a major event as I havfe a strict no checking blog policy as I never post one when I’m away but I’ve heard enough good things about this one that I decided to check it out. And since I got some work emails from Scott on Christmas I felt obligated to at least give it a look.
Sounds like you guys are having an awesome time and I’m really pumped for you. I had a pretty good chuckle when I looked at the picture of the two of you guys pryaing in front of the van…that picture is great.
Well I wanted to be the first on this side of the pond to say Merry Christmas and all the other stuff you’re supposed to say. Hope you guys (and from the looks of it you are) having a great time and enjoy yourselves.
This is the trip of a lifetime and you need to enjoy every minute of it!
Take Care guys and remember to enjoy every moment of your life as one day that moment will be your last.
Take Care and Have FUN!
Randy & Stacey