
March 2025
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About Us

Thanks for reading about our adventures! We thought we would share a bit about ourselves and our backgrounds with you.

The idea for this trip came from me (Kenna). Ever since I traveled Europe in 2003, I caught the travel bug. Hard. My plan after University was to take off and see the world…but then I met Scott. And he sort of put me in a pickle – did I take off and pursue my dream, or allow myself to fall in love with my soul mate? Fortunately, I get to do both. I slowly worked on Scott for four years and convinced him of my dream and now I have the best of both worlds. 🙂

Scott and I have been friends for over seven years, dated for five and we just got engaged in March in Koh Phi Phi, Thailand. We are both born and raised Edmontonians (although I spent part of my childhood in Calgary) who have a zest for life. We enjoy hiking, biking, anything new and a good bottle of wine!

IMGP7353About Scott:

A hard-working, semi-workaholic, it was toughest for me to go. I am a Software Engineer by trade with a keen entrepreneurial drive. After an unsuccessful attempt at building a company (primarily a result from the economic downturn), I decided to take off for some solid unwinding, self reflection and pondering the next challenge. It was tough to tie up all the loose ends, rent out our personal condo and put my career on hold, but this is definitely the best thing I have done in my life!

IMG_0008About Kenna:

Traveling is my passion. I’m not a happy camper if I don’t have at least one trip planned for the future. It wasn’t too hard for me to leave my job as a Project Manager in Market Research, because I’m pursuing my greatest dream. This trip has made me appreciate life and all the wonderful opportunities that are out there!

Thanks again for visiting our page and we hope you enjoy our stories. Please leave comments often – we love hearing what you think, and promise that we will write a personalized note back!

Oh, and for those who are wondering, the banner graphic is a panorama of the beautiful Ao Thong Ne Pan Noi, on the island of Ko Phangan, Thailand taken in 2006. Previous to this trip, this was our favorite place on earth. Scott spent many hours photoshopping this masterpiece together before we left, and instead of printing it out, we chose it as the banner for our blog.